The following is a reproduction of a radio interview by two Pauline Seminarians Br. Joseph Maria and Br. Casimir to Ms Natalia Juzyn on the 13th of February 2017 for WhyCATholic Radio. You can find the original source here: http://www.wcatradio.com/nataliajuzyn/category/all.
Br. Joseph Maria Buckley, OSPPE and Br. Casimir Zielinski, OSPPE will my guests on Monday, Feb. 13th. Br. Joseph and Br. Casimir belong to the Order of St. Paul the First Hermit (Ordo Sancti Pauli Primi Eremitae), and both belong to the Australian Province. See http://czestochowa.us
Br. Joseph Maria Buckley
I am known as Br. Joseph Maria Buckley, although I was baptised as Michael. Originally I am from Brisbane, Australia, one of five children. If you go back enough generations, you will find that I am mainly English or Irish in heritage, though that is quite a few generations now. For the past six years, I have been a member of the Order of St. Paul the First Hermit and am currently a seminarian in my final year of Theology at the Angelicum in Rome.
Br. Casimir Zielinski
My name is Casimir, well at least in Religious life. I am a seminarian of the Order of St Paul the First Hermit. I have been in the Order for three years now. Before this, I was a seminarian for the diocese of Lismore, Australia. I studied at Vianney College, the Seminary of the Diocese of Wagga Wagga, Australia. I have a Bachelor of Arts Majoring in History and minoring in Australian Politics from Charles Sturt University, as well as half an honours degree with a supposed dissertation entitled “Polding’s Benedictine Dream and the Colony of New South Wales: a study of the colony and church building in the antipodes.” I am in the final year of my Bachelor in Sacred Theology in the Italian section at the Angelicum. I am interested in History, Liturgy, Law and Monasticism. I was born in Australia to Polish parents.
Update note: After this interview, Fr. Joseph Maria Buckley was ordained in 2018. And Fr. Casimir Zielinski in 2020.