About the Pauline Fathers

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Pauline Fathers at their Monastery at Penrose Park

The Pauline Fathers and Brothers are more properly called the Order of St. Paul the First Hermit (Ordo Sancti Pauli Primae Eremitae O.S.P.P.E). It is a Catholic Religious order of men. It is a Monastic order with a long history have been founded in the 13th century in Hungry. Its founders were hermits who came together to form a monastery and a religious community. Blessed Eusebius of Esztergom can be said to be the founder of this order. These Hermits chose St Paul the First Hermit to be their heavenly patron. In 1308 the Order official adopted the Rule of St Augustine.

The Order is a Clerical order, meaning that it requires Priests to fulfil its mission in the church and thus, priesthood is necessary for its superiors. It is a Papal order; therefore, its internal governance is removed from the jurisdiction of Bishops and falls directly under the authority of the Holy Father.


Blessings at the Fatima Grotto
Blessings at the Fatima Grotto

The mission of the order is based on four pillars:

  1. A Love of Prayer alone with God alone and liturgical prayer
  2. A poor and industrious life
  3. A desire to spread devotion to Our Lady, particularly in the running of her shrines
  4. An openness to the needs of the Church in preaching and the administration of the Sacraments, particularly in the hearing of confessions

The Motherhouse of the Order is the Monastery and Shrine of Jasna Góra in Poland. The history of the Order in Australia started in 1981 with the arrival of Fr Augustine Lazur OSPPE.

The Call of Our Lady

In 2012 Ex Corde Pictures produced a film about our Province. Below is a trailer for the film. The full video is on our YouTube Channel.