Monastery and Shrine Church
Shrine Church
Mass in Shrine Church
Procession to the Grotto
International Shrines
Fatima Day Processsion
Passion Play
Monastery and Shrine Church

Monastery and Shrine Church

Shrine Church

Shrine Church

Mass in Shrine Church

The Shrine Church full of Pilgrims

Procession to the Grotto

The Fathers and Brothers leading a procession the Grotto

International Shrines

Some of the International Shrines built at the Monastery

Fatima Day Processsion

Fatima Day Procession

Passion Play

Good Friday Passion Play at the Shrine

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Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy – Penrose Park

Home » Monasteries of the Pauline Fathers » Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy – Penrose Park

At Penrose Park in the Southern Highlands of NSW, there is a shrine dedicated to our Lady of Mercy, represented by a replica of the Icon of Our Lady of Jasna Góra, known as the Black Madonna.  The Shrine is run by the Order of St. Paul the First Hermit known as the Pauline Fathers.  The Pauline Fathers have been custodians of the original Icon of the Black Madonna since 1382.

Postal Address



120 Hanging Rock Road
Sutton Forest, NSW, 2577


Phone Number: (02) 4878 9192
Fax Number: (02) 4878 9351


The shrine can be be contacted by it’s Web Form or at

Passion Play

Every Good Friday, the Shrine organises a re-enactment of the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ. It is very well done with countless actors. It is a major event in the life of the Shrine, drawing about 7000 people each year. The Liturgy of Good Friday is celebrated at the Shrine after the play in the Church of the Shrine. The Play offers a great way to spend the Good Friday Public Holiday, with confessions in the morning, the Passion Play, the Liturgy and a wonderful site for a meat-less BBQ with the family. (Good Friday is a day of fasting and abstinence from meat, there’s a challenge for you)

Fatima Day

Every 13th of the Month the shrine celebrates a day of devotion to Our Lady of Fatima.