Funeral of Fr. Gabriel Taylor

The details for the Funeral of Fr. Gabriel Taylor are as follows. The Vigil will be on the 19th of June at 3 pm. The Funeral Mass will be on the 20th of June at 11 am. The full program for the vigil and funeral are as follows:


The Solemn Reception of the Body of Fr Gabriel and Vigil Liturgy will be on Monday, 19th June, at the Old Monastery, commencing at 3 pm and concluding around 7 pm. 

The Order of Service will be the following:

  • 3  pm: Reception of the Body, procession into the Old Monastery Chapel and opening of the coffin along with the Funeral Vigil Liturgy.
  • 4 pm: Rosary (Joyful Mysteries)
  • 5 pm: Rosary (Sorrowful Mysteries)
  • 6 pm: Solemn Vespers and closing of the coffin.

Refreshments will be available in the conference room in the Old Monastery.


The Solemn Pontifical Funeral Mass for Fr Gabriel will be in the Shrine Church on Tuesday, 20th June, commencing at 11 am. 

The Order of the day is as follows:

  • 8 am: Reception of the Body and procession into the Shrine Church
  • 8:30 am: Solemn Morning Prayer of the Church
  • 9 am: Viewing in the Shrine Church
  • 9:30 am: Rosary (Luminous Mysteries)
  • 10:15 am: Closing of the coffin and Rosary (Glorious Mysteries)
  • 10:40 am: Singing of the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • 11am: Solemn Pontifical Requiem Mass

Burial will follow the Mass and will take place at St Patrick’s Cemetery, Sutton Forest.

Wake and Refreshments to follow at St Paul’s Parish Hall (24 Garrett Street, Moss Vale).

Please continue to keep Fr. Gabriel in your prayers.

Death of Fr Gabriel Taylor

With great sadness, I announce that today, 08/06/2023, at around 3:30pm Fr. Gabriel Taylor passed away at Holy Family Services Residental Aged Care.

Please pray for the repose of his soul, and keep the whole Pauline community in your prayers during this difficult and sorrowful time.

Details on his funeral will follow soon. They will be posted on the Shrine website, so to keep up to date on what is happening, please look there. You can also subscribe to the email list to get notifications.