Akathist in honour of the Most Holy Mother of God, before her Icon of Czestochowa

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Black Madonna Icon Faces

This Akathist was translated from the Polish version published on akatystarz.wordpress.com. To understand the background of this particular devotion, see Akathist.

Triodion, ton 4.

Invincible Victory, Queen of Czestochowa, the witness of ancient mercy towards us, guardian of future salvation, make us new through repentance before the coming King.

Kontakion, ton 6.

Glorious ever Virgin, Mother of the Christ-God, bring our prayer before Thy Son and Our God, that He may save our souls through Thee.

Hymn of praise

We adore thee, Most Holy Virgin, Chosen Lady of Czestochowa, and venerate thy holy image, through which thou givest healing to all who hasten to you in faith.

Kontakion 1.

We offer our praise to the victorious Queen, the Defender of our land. And thou, O Mother of the Heavenly King, deliver those who cry out from all distress and danger: Rejoice, O gracious Advocate! Deliver us from all evil and pray to Christ-God for the salvation of our souls.

Ikos 1.

O Queen, the heavenly council of angels praises Thee in song. So also we – the inhabitants of the earth – going before Thy miracle-working icon, written by St. Luke in this way, cry out to Thee:

Rejoice, Mother of the Indwelling Light.
Rejoice, Holy Spirit, Holy Dwelling;
Rejoice, Bright Knowledge of Grace.
Rejoice, angelic hosts Wedding;
Rejoice, Burning Bush – unconsumed by fire.
Rejoice, Lord of Power, eternally beholding;
Rejoice, immaculate, Unfading Flower.
Rejoice, Resemblance of Christ’s resurrection;
Rejoice, gracious Advocate!
Deliver us from all evil and pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion 2.

Seeing the piety and faith of the holy Empress Helena, who found the Venerable Cross of the Lord in Jerusalem, thou didst also bestow upon her, O divine Mother, thy icon, kept by thy faithful servants from time immemorial, that the people should pray before it, singing: Alleluia!

Ikos 2.

The Holy Empress Helena, having realised that this image is a blessing from God to the capital, you placed it there in the cathedral church, where many have received healings through it, singing to the Mother of God such songs of praise:

Rejoice, Cup of everlasting joy.
Rejoice, Fountain of unspeakable sweetness;
Rejoice, Most Beautiful Chamber of Paradise.
Rejoice, Most glorious Garden of Christ;
Rejoice, Tabernacle of the Holy Spirit.
Rejoice, God’s righteousness and the enemy’s shame;
Rejoice, Comforter of us with spiritual joy;
Rejoice, in the faith of those calling upon Thee unashamed.
Rejoice, gracious Advocate!
Deliver us from all evil and pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion 3.

The power of the Most High guarded Thy icon. O Mother of God, in the days of heresy from desecration, and the cruel iconoclasts’ doom, and from the hands of the barbarians’ captivity. For thou, Thyself was the guardian of the Christians of the Imperial City of Constantinople. Be thou also our Defender, singing to thy Son and our God: Alleluia!

Ikos 3.

Possessing the treasure of Thy holy icon, Divine Mother, Saints Cyril and Methodius enlightened the Slavic lands with the light of Christ’s faith. So that the pagans might know the True God and glorify the Mother of God, thus crying out:

Rejoice, our Mighty One.
Rejoice, Victress of all in God;
Rejoice, Liberator of captives.
Rejoice, Protector of the afflicted;
Rejoice, Advocate for the whole world.
Rejoice, giver of eternal life;
Rejoice, Liberator from idolatry.
Rejoice, with God our Reconciliation;
Rejoice, gracious Advocate!
Deliver us from all evil and pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion 4.

In the stormy days of rebellion and turmoil, your icon, Most Holy Virgin, protected all those who fled to her. All found in you protection and defence. With hearts full of thanksgiving, they cried out: Alleluia!

Ikos 4.

Hearing and seeing the miracles happening through your icon, Most Holy Mother of God, the righteous people, from generation to generation, have kept this holiness praying with heartfelt emotion before it:

Rejoice, Mother Immaculate or the Lamb and Shepherd.
Rejoice, Most Blessed Virgin;
Rejoice, showing us Motherly love.
Rejoice, Venerable Robe, Protecting all;
Rejoice, Everlasting Goods, Faithful Hope.
Rejoice, our flaming Advocate;
Rejoice, the Most Righteous Judge’s mercy.
Rejoice, all our sins Forgiveness;
Rejoice, gracious Advocate!
Deliver us from all evil and pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion 5.

By God’s will, travelling from Belz to the city of Czestochowa, your icon, Most Holy Mother of God, everywhere proclaimed your glory and that of your Son, Christ our God, before those who cried out to him: Alleluia!

Ikos 5.

When the citizens of the city of Belz saw the threatening invasion of the Tartars, they brought Your miracle-working icon into the streets of the city. They begged You, Most Holy Virgin, for protection:

Rejoice, Thy graces poured out upon us.
Rejoice, O Lord, in mercy to all;
Rejoice, protection from danger.
Rejoice, Delivering Catholic Christians;
Rejoice, Nullifying Evil deeds.
Rejoice, Revealing to us the mercy of God.
Rejoice, O Consoler of our country;
Rejoice, O Church of Christ, O Adorned with holiness.
Rejoice, O gracious Advocate!
Deliver us from all evil and pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion 6.

The people everywhere learned of the awe-inspiring defence of Thy Divine Mother when the Tartars wounded Thy pure face with an arrow. Then, darkness and confusion suddenly seized them, and they killed one another, fleeing away. The faithful, seeing this miracle, sang the Lord’s song: Alleluia!

Ikos 6.

Grace shone, the darkness vanished, and the horn rose – a symbol of the strength of the Christian people – for you. Therefore, divine Mother, strengthen the Catholic faith through miracles and signs worked by your holy icon – reveal yourself to those who pray to you with love:

Rejoice, wonderous Deliverer from the invasion of foreigners.
Rejoice, Rescuer of the faithful from slavery and pestilence;
Rejoice, whose icon the Tartars pierced by the arrow.
Rejoice, Mother and ever Virgin Indwelling;
Rejoice, pour forth streams of miracles to those who pray to Thee.
Rejoice, Transform our sorrow into joy;
Rejoice, Key of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Rejoice, Helper of noble life;
Rejoice, gracious Advocate!
Deliver us from all evil and pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion 7.

Wishing to leave Your icon, O Mother of God, in the city of Czestochowa, You made the carriage that carried Your icon stand still when impious people tried to carry it away. The Christians found Your image, which You had saved, and sang to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 7.

A new miracle to the ungodly, the chambers of fear, Thou hast revealed the Mother of God through Thy image. You struck with blindness and sudden death the blasphemers who cut Thy icon with a sword and split it into three parts. We, worshipping Thy icon, praise God, and so we cry out to Thee:

Rejoice, Mother of God, in the icon slain.
Rejoice, Virgin Chosen from the beginning of the ages;
Rejoice, First Guide to Heaven.
Rejoice, more venerable than all Angelic Powers.
Rejoice, Merciful Mother of all;
Rejoice, Inexhaustible Vessel of Holy Grace.
Rejoice, Help of those who implore you.
Rejoice, upholder of the good life.
Rejoice, fervent Advocate!
Deliver us from all evil and pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion 8.

An extraordinary miracle occurred to the Swedish soldier. You suddenly defeated their unbeaten army near the town of Czestochowa, where the miracle-working icon of the Mother of God was staying. In front of it, the people did not stop singing: Alleluia!

Ikos 8.

To all who go to Thy icon and pray to Thee, O Blessed Virgin, Thou art the Immediate Helper; as before, so now Thou dost protect and defend Thee.

Receive, therefore, also from us songs of praise:
Rejoice, extraordinary Trustee of Providence.
Rejoice, Treasurer of God’s grace;
Rejoice, Conqueror of foreign and unfaithful hordes.
Rejoice, Immediate Deliverer from desolation and death;
Rejoice, Queen of all the upper (heavenly) and lower (earthly) worlds.
Rejoice, Giver of all goods;
Rejoice, Deliverance from enemies and dangers.
Rejoice, Noble Wonder and Tireless Delight of men;
Rejoice, gracious Advocate!
Deliver us from all evil and pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion 9.

All men and women of all ages rejoiced to see simple righteous people singing prayers of supplication before the icon of the Mother of God. The image was the royal heritage, and pious princes praised the Lord and His Mother before it by singing: Alleluia!

Ikos 9.

Thou dost cover the whole Christian world with Thy venerable omophorion. O Mother of God, immediately hastening to our aid, together with the angels and thy Archpriest Nicholas of Myra, and with all the chosen ones of God, Thou dost intercede for us before God. Also hear now the voice of the prayers of us sinners, before Thy image, crying out:

Rejoice, you who illumine us with the light of God’s truth;
Rejoice, you who raise your hands in prayer for us.
Rejoice, Thou who hast united God and men inseparably;
Rejoice, Thou who hast raised mortal nature to immortality.
Rejoice, Delight of the faithful souls of Paradise;
Rejoice, Dismissed by souls of pernicious deeds.
Rejoice, Guide of pious Christians;
Rejoice, Omnipotent wisdom endowed with humility.
Rejoice, gracious Advocate!
Deliver us from all evil and pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion 10.

Desiring to save the human race, O Mother of God, from the darkness of unbelief and straying from God, Thou didst reveal the light of the Catholic faith to the world. Thou Didst bestow on the (Catholic) army the power to overcome the enemy in the place where Thy miracle-working icon was located. The icon before which people sing a hymn of thanksgiving to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 10.

Thou art an unshakable wall and a mighty bulwark for all people who venerate Thee, O Mother of God! For in many copies of Thy icon of Czestochowa, Thou showest Thy graciousness. Thou givest that which is asked of Thee. Thou turn away the divine wrath from those who sing to Thee:

Rejoice, in God shaping our country;
Rejoice, Rescuing Christians from under the feet of all.
Rejoice, Stigmatising the doctrines pernicious to the soul;
Rejoice, mercifully looking on the prayer of the humble.
Rejoice, Consolation in troubles and dangers;
Rejoice, Deliverance from unexpected death.
Rejoice, Bestowing victories on the faithful;
Rejoice, Crowning them with indestructible wreaths.
Rejoice, gracious Advocate!
Deliver us from all evil and pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion 11.

We sing a song and offer a hymn of praise to Thee, O Most Holy Virgin. We pray before Thy icon, in which we see wounds wrought by the hands of the wicked and incurable by our transgressions. Still, having Thee as our Advocate to God, we cry: Alleluia!

Ikos 11.

Your radiant icon shines with wonders, O Mother of God, constantly revealing to us your mercy. People have often tried to hide with paints and elaborate craftsmanship the wounds of your most pure face in your icon. Painters have striven in vain, for the scars have reappeared, which we, through our sins and iniquities, cause to Thee. Nevertheless, obtain from God the remission of our sins, O Virgin, and have mercy on us who cry out:

Rejoice, O strong and indestructible Redoubt of our faith.
Rejoice, wonders of Christ’s Beginning;
Rejoice, Open gates of Paradise.
Rejoice, Most Expressive Revelation of the Mystery of God;
Rejoice, Prayer of Fragrant incense pleasing to God.
Rejoice, Sustaining all Rest and Leasure;
Rejoice, Wounded by human sins.
Rejoice, Sustained in God’s love;
Rejoice, gracious Advocate!
Deliver us from all evil and pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion 12.

Cover us with Thy grace, O Most Holy Virgin, from Thy awe-inspiring icon!

Through Thy intercession, save our country and have mercy on it, where, in times past, Thou didst shine forth by many miracles. Grant salvation to us who pray before Thy image; to us who sing to your Son and our God: Alleluia!

Ikos 12.

Singing a song of praise with unworthy lips, we trust in God’s mercy and your protection and intercession for us sinners before the Lord. That he may give our country victory over the foes, deliverance from invasion, protection for Christians everywhere, and guidance to the Kingdom of Heaven. Always be with us who cry out to you:

Rejoice, Illumined by Divine fire.
Rejoice, Dispelling the darkness of sin;
Rejoice, Softening our hardness of heart.
Rejoice, Returning those who have strayed from the path of Truth;
Rejoice, Indestructible Wall.
Rejoice, Invincible Victory;
Rejoice, Adornment of heaven and earth.
Rejoice, O hope of our resurrection;
Rejoice, O gracious Advocate!
Deliver us from all evil and pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion 13.

O Mother, universally glorified in song! Who hast begotten from all the saints, thou most holy Word! Look now upon the Church and our land; upon Thy House and Thy inheritance. Implore the Lord Almighty not to bring judgment upon us, but to grant us remission of sins, and to the people of our country help and consolation crying to God in faith: Alleluia!

(We say this Kontakion three times. Then we read Ikos I: O Queen, the heavenly council of angels praises Thee in song…, and then Kontakion 1: We offer our praise to the victorious Queen, the Defender of our land…).

Prayer in honour of the Most Holy Mother of God, before her Icon of Czestochowa

Our Lady of Częstochowa
Our Lady of Częstochowa

O merciful Lady, Queen Mother of God! Look mercifully upon the people who stand before Thy holy icon and fervently pray to Thee. Do good through Thy intercession before the Face of Thy Son and our God. So that no one may go away disappointed in his trust and ashamed in his hope, but may each receive everything from Thee according to the excellent desire of his heart and his need for the salvation of his soul and the health of his body. Beseech the Merciful King, the Celestial God, that He may forever preserve His Holy Church in the righteousness and firmness of faith to the end of the ages.

Look down with favour, O universally glorious One, and through the gaze of Thy merciful intercession, pour out abundant graces upon our country and your holy Church and all Thy people; for Thou art the Almighty Helper and Defender of us all. Turn Your ear to the prayers of Your servants and our petitions. Hear the sighs and prayers with which Thy servants pray in this holy place. Hear the sighs and prayers with which Thy servants pray in this sacred place. Hear the sighs and prayers with which Thy servants pray in this holy place.

If even a non-believer or a believer from another nation prays here, hear and graciously do all necessary for his help and salvation. O universally glorified Mother, our most blessed Hope! Convene the scattered unbelievers and dissenters in our lands, lead them to the way of Truth, convert the heretics from the holy faith, and unite them with the Holy Catholic Universal Church. Establish Peace in our homes; sustain old age; guide youth; educate little children; protect orphans and widows; free the imprisoned for Christ, heal the sick; remember those under trial and imprisonment and in exile, and those in bitter misery; permanently ward us off all evil through Thy goodness, and gladden by Thy visitation all those who do good to us. Grant, O Goodness, to the earth an abundance of crops, a happy union of the winds of the air, and all the gifts indispensable for our benefit. Send in due time through the intercession of your beloved chosen saints, Sts. Methodius and Cyril. Grant Peace to those who have gone before, our fathers and mothers, our brothers and sisters, and place them in the tabernacles of the saints – a place of abundance, a place of rest, where there is no sorrow, no grief, no sigh, but infinite life. And when our departure from this life also comes and we are resettled in eternal life, stand by us, O most blessed Virgin, and grant us a Christian end to our life without pain, without shame, and being made partakers of the Holy Mysteries, that we may all in the age to come become, worthy together with all the Saints of eternal and happy life in the Kingdom of the Beloved Son of your Lord and Saviour our Jesus Christ, to whom is due all glory, honour and homage in prostration with the Eternal One of his Father and Holy Spirit forever and ever.